Join The Chamber

The South Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce is essential to your business. Whether you have two employees or 20,000, our programs and benefits can assist your business in growth, creating new contacts, and building important relationships in the community and beyond. Take advantage of all of the benefits of membership to the South Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce today.

Join Now

There are many ways to join the South OKC Chamber! You can fill out the electronic form below and join right here from our website. You can also click here to download a membership application and mail it to 701 Southwest 74 Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73139, or you can fax the form to the South Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce office, (405) 634-1462, or email it to jamiecrowe@www.southokc.comIf the form opens up in your browser, then please download it and fill it out using Adobe Reader.

Annual Investment Schedule


Please email if you have more than 75 full-time employees.

FINANCIAL INSTITUTION: Minimum Investment $915

NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS: Minimum Investment $415

BOARD OF ADVISORS: Minimum Investment $1,145. The Board of Advisors is designated to capitalize on the quality and depth of business leadership in the Oklahoma City area. Benefits include being invited to the Board of Directors meetings, receiving invitations to the Annual Retreat and VIP events, being recognized at Chamber events, additional listing in our Annual Member Directory and Visitor Guide, and featured along with the Board of Directors on the Chamber’s website. Board of Advisor members receive a complimentary quarterly membership listing, upon request.

INDIVIDUALS, “Chamber Champions” (for individuals not representing a business): Minimum Investment $210

ADDITIONAL LOCATIONS: Additional location fee discount (50% off) applies to investment schedule of equal or lesser value.

Membership Application

The undersigned hereby makes application for membership in the South Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce. This membership is payable in advance and shall remain in force unless cancelled in writing. Dues payments may be deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. This investment agreement must be signed by an authorized person with the member firm.

For 90-day money back guarantee, the member must attend a minimum of 4 Chamber-sponsored events within a 90-day period. RSVP required for events.